Agent Feed Setup

Below is a list of Frequently asked questions regarding Agent feeds. 

What is an Agent Feed?

An agent feed enables members of Who's Who in Luxury Real Estate to automate the process of adding, managing, and removing agents profiles and agent access to

What are the advantages and disadvantages of setting up an agent feed? 

Advantages: The ability to upload and manage a large number of agents. Agent profiles within your account will be consistent with design and information. Once setup, you have complete control of agent profile information.

Disadvantages: Initial setup requires the help by a software developer, either internal or through a third party website vendor, and may come with an upfront cost.

Where can I find instructions on how to set up an agent feed? 

You can find the documentation on how to setup an agent feed here:

Note though that if you are part Sotheby's International Realty or another Realogy brand, please let your membership manager know as we should be able to setup your agent import very quickly.

How quickly will profiles be updated if I update information in our agent feed?

The system updates automatically a few times per day. Any information that changed in the import file should be reflected on no later than within 24 hours.

What does "Import Controlled" mean?

Import controlled means that all the data within the profile is determined by the import. No manual data will be retained.

What happens if I have an Agent profile already set up?

As long as your agent id or email line up with the import data, your profile will switch to import controlled and any manual data will be overridden by the import data. You have the option to switch this back to manually controlled in the Luxury Lounge.

Can I make manual changes to my Agent profile?

Yes, but they will only be retained if you have a manually controlled agent profile. 

What happens if I take my profile off of "Import Controlled"?

You are then able to make manual edits to your Agent profile. Only manual changes to this profile will be saved. Any changes made in the import file, including removal of an agent, will not affect the now manually controlled profile.

Will I lose manually created listings?

Manually created listings will not be impacted by an agent import. You will need to ensure that you are the assigned agent. This is can also be managed in the Luxury Lounge.

Will everyone be sent a welcome email? 

We can send welcome emails to anyone within the account, whether you want every user to receive the email, only newly added users or no one at all. Please speak with your Membership Manager to outline who you would like to receive a welcome email.

As an admin, can I see all agents that are import controlled and manual?

Yes, this can be viewed within the Luxury Lounge. Once logged in, you can navigate to "Agent Profiles", under the "Profiles" heading. If you have any questions navigating to this page, please contact your Membership manager for assistance.

How can I manage my listings?

Once logged into the Luxury Lounge, if you navigate to the “Listings” heading, you will be able to view all of your listings and are able to edit them.

Who do I email if I have questions regarding my profile?

The best person to reach out to with any questions regarding accounts or profiles is your membership manager. You can also email if you are in need of technical support.

 What is the difference between an Agent and a User

A user is anyone that can login to our system. If the user is an agent, they have an agent profile which is their ad that can be marketed on our website. An agent feed covers both setting up a user log in for each person in the feed as well as an agent profiles for those that are agents.

How do I make an Agent profile public?

If you believe your Agent profile should be public, you should speak with your membership manager who can explain the steps needed to make your profile public.

If I stop my account from being import controlled, will that affect the imported listings?

The listing import is independent of the agent import, so your imported listings will not be stopped from importing. It is important to keep in mind that your listings need

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